Our team

 The MCT Family

Margaret Clitherow Trust has become a family of individuals and communities, working in support of each other towards a common vision.

Core team

Samuel Bowden - Managing Director (DSL) - e: samuel.bowden@margaretclitherow.org

Nicki Woodford - Service Manager (DDSL) - e: nicki.woodford@margaretclitherow.org

John Chadwick - Head of Pastoral Care - e: john.chadwick@margaretclitherow.org

Clive Dudbridge - Business Director - e: clive.dudbridge@margaretclitherow.org

Koser Nesah - Senior Advocacy Coordinator - e: koser.nesah@margaretclitherow.org

Fiona Mackay Perkins - Health & Social Care Coordinator - e: fiona.perkins@margaretclitherow.org

Sue Herbert - Health & Social Care Coordinator - e: sue.herbert@margaretclitherow.org

Annie Arnett - Education Coordinator - e: annie.arnett@margaretclitherow.org

Becca Rogers - Asst. Lead Chaplain - e: becca.rogers@margaretclitherow.org

Robert Wellbelove - Asst. Lead Chaplain - e: robert.wellbelove@margaretclitherow.org

Please also check out our vacancies page in the navigation bar.


Families Team

Chaplaincy Team


Community Partners: We work closely with a range of community groups in the development and delivery of our programmes and training.

We are also grateful to a number of law firms who support our clients, as well as to our legal, HR, education and health consultants.


Chair: Nicola Pickup

Rosanne Joseph-Anthony

Nalini Nathan

If you are interested in applying to be a Trustee, please email info@margaretclitherow.org